Texas A&M - San Antonio Area Regional Center

Explore the tabs below to learn more about the assets, challenges and opportunities in the Texas A&M - San Antonio Area and to view our study area map.

The map below shows the Texas A&M - San Antonio Regional Center Area in relationship to San Antonio. The area is highlighted in black.

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Plan location map

The map below shows the Texas A&M - San Antonio Regional Center Area Plan boundary and the connectivity throughout the area and beyond.

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plan location basemap

Sub-Area Plans

Sub-Area Plans are intended to provide a more coordinated, efficient and effective structure for neighborhood planning. Existing and future neighborhood planning will be integrated into the planning for regional centers and community planning areas. Neighborhoods will become integral sub-geographies of these sub-areas while also receiving special attention through chapters and/or sections in each Sub-Area plan, reflecting specific opportunities, challenges, recommendations and priorities from each participating neighborhood. Neighborhood and community plans should be respected, as appropriate, as they are integrated into the sub-area plans.

Comprehensive Plan Regional Centers

Regional centers are one of the major building blocks of San Antonio's city form and are a major component of the Comprehensive Plan and the overall SA Tomorrow effort.

While most cities have one or two larger employment centers, we have 13. This provides challenges and opportunities. A major organizing element for the Comprehensive Plan is to focus growth in these regional centers, building on the existing pattern of development. They're envisioned as new "places" where we live, work, and play.

New development is already gravitating to these centers and we can guide additional growth in these areas. Each center is different and its development will be influenced by its existing uses. However, many of the centers are also well-positioned to develop as vibrant mixed-use places. They offer a variety of housing options and price ranges, allow higher-density and incorporate carefully designed and located amenities that will benefit both residents and employees of the center. Each center's character can attract a different mix of businesses and employees. Therefore, San Antonio must focus its investment and infrastructure strategies on supporting and leveraging the unique identity and assets of each center.

Learn More About the Comprehensive Plan